Sunday, March 4, 2012

Two on Two, Anyone?

Today, March 4, Southampton High School held their annual Charyse Torrence 2 on 2 basketball game! Charyse was a student athlete who attended Southampton High School. After a long battle with cancer, Charyse passed away during hersophomore year. She was an outstanding basketball player, whose passion for the game inspiredeveryone around her. Her friends and teammates chose this event to remember Charyse and raise money for the "Make A Wish" foundation, the organization that greatly helped Charyse's family during their time of need. I was so excited to be playing in the tournament with my dad (who turned out to be a very good player!).
We even made it to the 5th round! Although we didn't win overall, it was great seeing my
fellow students get out of the house and get some exercise for a good cause! Congratulations to everyone who participated!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

And the Countdown Begins...

Hello, all! I hope today finds everyone in a great mood! With everything that has been going on at school, I almost forgot about my meeting with Senator Schumer this tuesday! After getting a chance to relax for a little bit, I realized that that there's only three days until I get to travel down to Washington D.C. My, the time does fly! I'll be sure to keep you all updated during my day in the country's capital, and I'll make sure to post pictures too!

Click Here to view the official website of the Safe Routes to Schools Initiative!
Click Here to view the Safe Routes to Schools video that will be shown to Senator Schumer!
