Friday, June 8, 2012

Southampton High School's Eighth Annual Science Research Symposium

    I was so excited to be apart of my high school's eighth annual Science Research Symposium on Monday, June 4th. The Science Research class is a program designed for science loving students! The class is an optional extra science class where students can design and carry out their own research projects, based on their interests. This past school year was my first year in the program, and I had been eager to start the research process.
   At the Science Research Symposium, my classmates and I were able to present our year's worth of work for our research. As a first year student, I was given the task of presenting a poster and research paper based on one of the many scientific articles that I have read. My topic, which is very closely associated with my platform (Heart U) is The Effect of Physical Fitness on Academic Achievement. I will eventually be researching how physical activity affects the memory and academic achievement in elementary school students.

Presenting my topic to everyone who attended the Science Research Symposium!

My classmate, Natalie, and I receiving awards for our research work at Brookhaven National Lab this year!

   A HUGE thank you to my Science Research teacher, Mrs. Milton, our wonderful librarian, Ms. Liss, and all of the students who worked so hard to make sure the symposium ran as smoothly as possible!


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